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Ultimate Guide to Bathroom Ceiling Mounted Extractor Fans!

Author: Molly

Apr. 04, 2024

**Installing a Bathroom Ceiling Mounted Extractor Fan**.

Ceiling mounted extractor fans are a great way to keep your bathroom free from excess moisture and humidity. Follow these easy steps to install one in your bathroom:

1. **Turn Off Power**: Before starting any installation work, make sure to switch off the power supply to the bathroom. You can do this by turning off the circuit breaker that powers the bathroom.

Ultimate Guide to Bathroom Ceiling Mounted Extractor Fans!

2. **Locate the Mounting Area**: Decide on the best location to install the extractor fan on the ceiling. Make sure it is close enough to an electrical junction box for wiring.

3. **Cut the Hole**: Using a jigsaw, cut a hole in the ceiling for the fan to be mounted. Follow the instructions provided with the fan for the exact dimensions.

4. **Mount the Fan**: Securely mount the extractor fan in the hole using the provided screws. Make sure it is level and flush with the ceiling.

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5. **Connect Wiring**: Connect the wiring of the fan to the electrical junction box in the ceiling. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for proper wiring.

6. **Attach Ductwork**: If the fan requires ductwork, attach it to the fan outlet and run it to the outside of your home to vent the moist air.

7. **Install Grille**: Attach the fan grille to the fan housing. This will help prevent debris from entering the fan and provide a finished look.

8. **Turn On Power**: Once everything is securely in place, turn the power back on to the bathroom and test the fan to make sure it is working properly.

Congratulations! Your bathroom ceiling mounted extractor fan is now installed and ready to keep your bathroom fresh and dry.

By following these simple steps, you can easily install a bathroom ceiling mounted extractor fan and enjoy the benefits of a well-ventilated bathroom.

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