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6 Types of Electrical Plugs and Their Uses

Author: Evelyn y

Apr. 29, 2024

6 Types of Electrical Plugs and Their Uses

Confused by all the plugs that bring electricity to your home's appliances? You're not alone. We explain what they are and how they're used.

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Electrical Plugs, Outlets, Receptacles and Switches: What’s the Difference?

What do you call the thing on your kitchen wall your toaster plugs into? An outlet? A socket?

The electrical industry is filled with confusing jargon people use interchangeably. But if you’re trying to install or fix something in your home, it’s important to know the terminology. Let’s walk through some common terms.

So, what’s the toaster plugged into? That’s right, it’s a receptacle, and they have specific plugs that fit them.

Plugs and their receptive receptacles are standardized by the National Electrical Manufacturer’s Association (NEMA). They’re most often referred to by their NEMA configuration.

Here are the plugs you’re likely to find in your home.

For more information, please visit 10 pin connector round.

Plugs & Connectors Buying Guide


The plug/connector you pick out should have a National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) code on it. NEMA codes were created to distinguish between different configurations of amperages and voltages. The NEMA code is intended to prevent hazardous combinations that could cause electrical fires, shocks, and more. The NEMA code will display the amp rating and voltage rating of most plugs and receptacles.

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